Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Little Mother Who Could

As you may recall from previous posts, we moved the little chicks out to the big coop with the adult birds. They're doing fine except for some losses due to the sudden cold, wet weather but there's been an interesting development. First time I've seen this in half a decade of chickening.

One of the old biddy hens has adopted the little chicks. All. of. the. little. chicks. Yes, all 70 or so odd of them are now following her around as she clucks motherly. She refuses to go up on the roost with the other adults and instead huddles on the ground with her wings outspread to as many babies as can fit under there. It's absolutely awesome and hilarity-inspiring to watch her try and gather in her army of little ones.


Mamma Bear said...

awwww..isn't mother nature something?....I on the other hand just moved over 60 head of chickens to a new pen and coop and they are all pi$$ed off and barely laying.

Freeholder said...

Critters are one of the best entertainment systems you can have!

My grandmother told a story about a little White Leghorn hen that her mother had who went broody. Great-grandma got fifty new chicks, and the little Leghorn tried to cover all of them. I've often wished I could have seen that!

Ernie, any chance of a picture of your 'mama' and 'her' babies?


Ernest said...

I should try for a photo. If they hold still. :)

marymmma said...

What a wonderful story. I would also love to see a picture.

Dyson said...

Perhaps she feels this is for all the ones that got away... to the breakfast plate...