Thursday, October 27, 2011

Muslim Students Complain About Christian Symbols at Catholic University

The Washington DC "Office of Human MUSLIM Rights" is investigating allegations that a private CATHOLIC university violated the human rights of Muslim students by not allowing them to form a Muslim student group and by not providing them rooms without Christian symbols in which they could pray to Allah.

Where to begin with this ... I'll try to sum up my feelings on this matter without cursing and throwing anything.

But ask yourself this one question ... WHY are MUSLIMS attending a CATHOLIC university if the symbols of Christianity OFFEND them so much? Who forced them at gunpoint to enroll?

Remember, in Islam it is not only permitted but ENCOURAGED for Muslims to infiltrate the political systems of "infidels" in order to bring them down from within. Much like Obama is doing now.


Bluesgal said...

"Political Correctness" is overused. Ironicly I'm using railing against things that take away rights under the coinstitution.. in this case they are trying to add the right not to be offended..

How dare someone attend a secular institution BY CHOICE and then complain about it being secular????


Dyson said...

The end times are near and this is only the early stages of persecution...

Oddly I smile when I hear of these things as it shows He is near to return...

I stand to now to serve as He wills...

OD from HT said...

Wow, that is just mind boggling. Show me a Muslim university that allows Christians symbols and groups.

Bluesgal said...

yes, the muslim brotherhood is lauging at us. They have figured out that they can twist our laws to their advantage because the gov't is too afraid of "offending" someone. There is a saying that words are stronger than bullets. They are winnign the war and haven't fired a shot.