Thursday, March 15, 2012

Henrietta's Homecoming

We've got all the materials delivered to put together Henrietta's pig pen. I picked a really nice spot for her under some oak trees. They don't really drop acorns but I think the shade will accomodate her nicely. She'll be happy over there, I suspect. The soil is kind of rocky but that'll help keep her from digging out underneath the fence. Or at least slow her down.

It's rising up into the mid-60's here at night. I still don't have the windows put in for the upper story so there's no breeze up there. What was a blessing in the colder weather will soon turn into a hardship. I've got to get moving on that!

These are blessed days. I want to just sit on the porch and look out over the pasture and reflect on how good God has been to us, but there's still so much to do. I suppose time will slow down here soon though.

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